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Search results for "vent"

Human-Centered Value Creation In the dynamic and ever-evolving marketplace of today, the concept of value has transcended the simplistic transactional viewpoint, morphing into a more... read more ›
Innovation-Driven Business In the rapidly evolving landscape of global commerce and technology, businesses that stand the test of time are those that embrace innovation as a core component of their strategy and operations.... read more ›
People: the 5th P of Marketing The evolution of marketing in the digital age has fundamentally shifted the way businesses approach product development, promotion, and customer engagement. Traditional marketing models, heavily reliant... read more ›
Behavioral Trends on the Rise In a world where societal norms and consumer behaviors are constantly evolving, understanding the emerging trends and the diverse groups driving these changes is crucial for any business aiming to stay... read more ›
The Future of In an era marked by rapid technological advancements, shifting societal norms, and evolving consumer behaviors, understanding the trajectory of your industry is more crucial than ever. "The Future of " conference... read more ›
20 Unsolicited Pieces of Advice for Entrepreneurs Entrepreneurship is a journey filled with highs and lows, requiring not just a great idea but also the grit, determination, and wisdom to navigate its challenges. Paco Ceo, the... read more ›
Decoding Digital Marketing In today's hyper-connected world, digital technology permeates every aspect of our lives, from the way we communicate and access information to how we shop and entertain ourselves. Despite this... read more ›
Becoming a Trendwatcher In the dynamic landscape of consumer behavior, technology, and global culture, the ability to identify and understand emerging trends is invaluable. Trendwatching, or coolhunting, is not just about keeping up... read more ›
The Art of Storytelling In today's saturated market, where consumers are bombarded with endless streams of information, the art of storytelling emerges as a beacon for brands striving to capture attention and forge meaningful... read more ›
The Art of Negotiation Negotiation is an essential skill in the business world, pivotal not just for closing deals but also for resolving conflicts, building relationships, and navigating the complex dynamics of organizational and... read more ›
Brands with a Purpose In an era where consumer expectations are higher than ever, the success of 21st-century brands hinges on more than just the quality of their products or services. Today's consumers are seeking deeper, more... read more ›
Moments-Based Marketing Strategies In today's information-saturated society, the traditional marketing playbook, focused on capturing attention through interruption, is losing its efficacy. Consumers, overwhelmed by the deluge of... read more ›
Office Hacks for Hyper Productivity In the hustle and bustle of modern days, where every minute counts, mastering the art of productivity is crucial. While most professionals are familiar with the basic tools and routines of office... read more ›
Partnership with Entreprenup, changing paradigms and democratizing entrepreneurial and innovative thinking. We support them as speakers in different of their top-level events: Winnovation, Mastergrind and Givers Disruptive. Mexico... read more ›
WORLD SUMMIT AWRDS (WSA) Judge - 2019 Ivan Babic is Paraguay judge for the World Summit Awards in 2019. The World Summit Awards are a unique awards system, selecting and promoting local digital innovation to... read more ›
In the dynamic landscape of business and marketing, the race to not only reach but truly connect with your audience has never been more challenging. Our Human-Centered Acceleration service is meticulously designed to revolutionize your... read more ›
Full transformation of companies into Exponential Organizations using our 10 STEPS approach to a Human-Centered Innovation-Driven Business Transformation, involving human resources, innovation, marketing, sales, products, operations,... read more ›
PEPSICO LATIN AMERICA Human Decoded (Cancun, Mexico - 2019) Human Decoded: a journey to explore the depths of the human beings, to understand the human behind the consumer. An interactive art exhibition created with... read more ›
Regina Cabal The essence of innovation and entrepreneurship often lies in seeing the world not just as it is, but as it could be. This visionary perspective is embodied by Regina Cabal, the Chief Innovation Officer at Business as... read more ›
We are speakers and judges for the Festival de Antigua, the most important event in the region where we celebrate and award creativity and ideas as the necessary inspiration to change this world into a more human and better place for... read more ›
DALIA EMPOWER Fuckup Nights - How to turn Failure into Success A personal story about failures, many failures, and five expensive lessons worthy to share with every entrepreneur in the world. Fuckup Nights is a... read more ›
UNIVERSIDAD ESTATAL DEL VALLE DE ECATEPEC (UNEVE) Digital Unbox - Human-Centered Creative Innovation A conference about the Human-Centered approach, how to decode it, and how to take advantage of its principles to... read more ›
Fotografía por Ryan McGuire   NEGOCIOS DIRIGIDOS DESDE LA INNOVACIÓN Mucho se habla de innovación, ya lo hemos dicho, es palabra de moda. Entrar a cualquier corporativo moderno es encontrarse con la palabra innovación... read more ›
Fotografía por Ryan McGuire   Vivimos en la era de la infoxicación. Hoy en día una persona promedio en una ciudad cualquiera está expuesta a más de 35 mil mensajes diarios (entre llamadas, mensajes de whatsapp, facebook,... read more ›
Fotografía por Pixabay   MÁS ALLÁ DE LA (ESCUETA Y LIMITADA Y ABURRIDA Y FRÍA) TECNOLOGÍA. Cada vez que mencionamos la palabra innovación, nos solemos remitir erróneamente a batas blancas, laboratorios, tubos de ensayo,... read more ›
Fotografía por Ryan McGuire   Mucho se habla de innovación, es una de las palabras de moda. Y junto con la palabra emprendimiento, son el mantra de las secretarías y ministerios de economía del mundo, basta escuchar un rato... read more ›