Festival de Antigua - Human-Centered Creative Innovation - Guatemala, September 2018

Human-Centered Creative Innovation (Guatemala – 2018)

Times have changed and so has the balance of power in the business world. Today people have the power to decide whether a brand is going to survive or not, enough information in their hands to make the best decisions, and all the communication tools to spread the word of what is good or bad for themselves and for others. The value equation occurs today more than ever within each consumer, so brands that want to survive must abandon the old paradigm of Unique Sales Propositions (USP) to focus on innovating and creating Unique Value Propositions (UVP) for their customers.

The Human-Centered Approach represents this radical paradigm shift. Originally created as a psychotherapy method, when used in the business world as a pivot for strategies, brands begin to change the perspective from where they detect their market opportunities. Instead of saying “I am brand X and I need to innovate … what should I do?”, it begins with a different set of questions from a human perspective: “I am consumer X, I think this way, I behave like this, I have these problems, and I need this … What can you do for me? ”

When you want to apply the principles of the Human-Centered Approach to the world of creativity and innovation, brands must first understand people and put their needs first in the creative process, then create compelling value propositions, that is, products , services, campaigns, business models, etc. that affect their lives positively.

Festival de Antigua – festivaldeantigua.com
Antigua, Guatemala – September 2018


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